What does Ozon brand stand for?
Brand personality traits
Delivery to Mars?
We might as well!
We communicate with people in their language and avoid any association with sophisticated technology. For example, we have removed .ru from our company name.
We want to get to know our users better. We value their feedback. That is why we are building an open brand — outgoing, sincere and friendly.
Ozon is lively and genuine, it is not afraid to show emotions; it knows how to be happy and empathetic, funny and thoughtful, but the main thing is to take care of people and help them solve urgent tasks.
Our company is actively growing and have the most flexible approach to branding. With a 360° concept, we can easily adapt our corporate identity to any scenario and brand assets.
Ozon is a modern e-commerce platform. We develop services for entrepreneurs and buyers all over the country and create products that as comfortable and as intuitive to use as possible
360˚ pick-up points
Меню для мобильных адаптивов
360˚ pick-up points
The life and soul of the party
We talk to the user as equals — in a friendly way without assuming superiority. To make a good impression, a neutral tone of voice is crucial in difficult situations and when talking to an audience that we are meeting for the first time. At the same time, we try not to sound dull or too formal — when appropriate, communication can be bold and emotional.
We communicate in simple language, avoiding complicated terms, acronyms and jargon. Our messages are straightforward and can be understood by the widest audience we can reach.
We're funny as long as it doesn’t result in offensive utterances. That's why we only make jokes when the user's task is complete, and we don't joke about sensitive issues.
Brand system
A brand system is a set of rules to work with Ozon's visual style. It influences our products' appearance, communicates brand awareness and inspires emotional response. The brand system ensures that our offline and digital products follow the same brand guidelines and have a predictable result.
Color palette
The primary brand color blue is bright and saturated. It is paired with crimson, which adds emotions and expressiveness to the brand.
Our font carries through the company's reliability and inspires trust and confidence.
Graphics & patterns
We avoid strict shapes and straight lines. We want graphics to be visually plastic and varied.
Examples of uses the Ozon logo
Guidelines for using our wordmark and logo
Correct use:
Incorrect use:
Horizontal logo
Ozon company name
In all text assets, we write Ozon in Latin letters without quotes. The first letter is uppercase, others are lowercase letters.

The company name does not take any endings.

Writing the word 'Ozon' in capitals is only allowed in advertising: in creative assets with short text messages without the Ozon logo.
Download one of the options via this link. Do not place a logo on a background with low contrast. The background should not compete with the logo.
Do not place the logo too close to the edge of the layout.
Do not distort the logo proportions
Clear space
Incorrect uses of the Ozon logo
Approved colors for logo placement
— Joint campaign with Ozon!

— Best Ozon deals!
— Joint campaign with Озон!

— Gifts from «Озон»!

— Best Озон deals!
Placing your logo closer to another element than the minimum clear space will make it look crowded.
The clear space is based on the first letter "o" in the logo. Horizontal space requires the full width of the "o" on either side. Vertical space requires the full height of the "o" above and below.
Do not use other colors
Do not violate the clear space
Do not use a gray logo in monochromatic designs.
Do not use the logo against low-contrast backgrounds
Do not place a logo on a busy or patterned backgrounds
Under no circumstances should other colors or color shades be used
If the partner's logo is horizontal.
Add the signature "online store"
How to use the Ozon wordmark with your logo
Option 1
If the partner's logo is vertical.
Option 2
Vertical logo
If the partner's logo is horizontal.
Option 1
If the partner's logo is vertical.
Option 2
Template 1
The background with extra space allows one to easily adjust its size with the mask of any geometric shape. Make sure the background size is at least as large as the required clear space for the logo.
Logo for sellers' promotional materials
How to place the Ozon logo in a 16:9 video
Other ways to use the logo
Template 2
This template is used to place a logo on a large surface.
Its angled slope adds a dynamic touch, and the background is created with extra space so that you can easily adjust its size using a custom-shaped mask. Make sure the background size is at least as large as the required clear space for the logo.
The Ozon design system offers Badge and Icon designs for accent branding.

Rules for use and materials for download can be found in the respective sections.
The width of the Ozon logo in 16:9 format videos is 1/6 of the width of the 16:9 format.
The logo is placed exactly in the Title Safe Area in one of the corners.
The lower clear space is bigger than the bottom panel of the player, the Skip button and the pop-up banner.
Use eye-catching icons to emphasize the Ozon brand in promotional materials. If the icon doesn't fit the designated shape and a distinctive format is needed, feel free to utilize one of the available templates.
Examples of framing
Examples of framing
Correct use:
Incorrect use:
Correct use:
Incorrect use:
«Buy on Ozon» badge design
The main option
It is better to use a badge with the zebra pattern: it is bright, noticeable, and immediately attracts attention.
Logo placement rules
The badge should be positioned in any corner of the advertising banner, at a distance of at least 0.25x from the edge of the banner.
When selecting the badge size, think about the advertising format and ensure that the wording is easy to read.
The suggested badge size is 1/8 of the larger dimension of the advertising format. You can calculate this by using the formula: X = “larger side of banner” / 8.
Do not change the proportions of the sides of the badge.
An additional option
Building examples
It is used to advertise a product from a partner or seller. The badge comes in two options, with a zebra pattern or on a blue background. The badge can be square, circle, or rectangle.
It is used on a multicolor or complex background with many details, such as patterns.
Guidelines for using icons for promo assets
The Ozon icon
Available in both 2D and 3D formats, the Ozon icon is always bright and recognizable. The shape of the icon can be round or square with rounded corners.
* All allowed perspectives in the icon pack
Usage examples
Use only the approved zebra pattern with an icon. Overlap with other images is allowed up to 10%, provided the Ozon logo remains visible.
Not acceptable
An outdated ray icon is used. Overlapping of more than 10% of the icon’s visible area. it’s crucial to stick to the approved rotation angles from the 3D icon pack. Using other perspectives is not allowed.
Ozon colors
Primary colors
Primary colors
Secondary colors
The percentage of secondary and accent colors in relation to Ozon blue can not exceed the specified parameters.
Priority use and the basic color combination.
Color palette – HEX, RGB, CMYK, Pantone
Basic principles
Color combinations
Secondary colors
They are used as secondary colors to the primary ones.
Accent colors
Accent colors are used for emphasis, to enhance a color scheme in graphic elements. Use only one accent color.
When using a white or dark space background, the principles of combining primary, secondary and accent colors remain the same and correspond to the percentage.
Examples of color combinations
Percentage ratio
The percentage of secondary and accent colors in relation to Ozon blue can not exceed the specified parameters.
Wall painting RAL
Color combinations
Signage. Letters and side-mounted box signs
Online storefronts. Transparent film
Color palette for branding parcel lockers
Color palette for branding vehicles
Color palette for fabrics
Ozon blue
0 91 255
100 31 0 0
3005 C
Ozon magenta
249 17 85
0 100 0 0
Process Magenta C
Morning blue

0 162 255

83 1 0 0

2995 C
Aqua blue
40 209 235

59 0 14 0
3115 C
Yellow star

250 230 112

0 0 68 0

101 C
Wreath green

6 202 153

72 0 45 0

3395 C
Night sky

39 0 151

100 95 0 3

Blue 072 C
Dark space
0 26 52
100 42 22 82
303 C
Ozon colors
Ozon Patterns
Usage examples
Brand collateral
Ozon branding accompanies our customers all the way — from placing an order on the website to picking up a product. Thousands of bright couriers, cars, parcel lockers and pick-up points are everywhere.
Our uniform is designed with you in mind: it is comfortable, made from natural materials and easy to wear, wash and iron.
The unboxing experience has become even more emotional thanks to the eye-catching branded packaging design.
Brand collateral
Ozon branding accompanies our customers all the way — from placing an order on the website to picking up a product. Thousands of bright couriers, cars, parcel lockers and pick-up points are everywhere.
Wind/winter jacket
A warm vest
Baseball cap
Parcel lockers
Shopping malls, supermarkets and shops near the house — Ozon parcel lockers are in their proper places. With their bright design and user-friendly interface, they are easy to find and easy to use.
360˚ pick-up points
Pick-up points are friendly and functional spaces that create an excellent customer experience.
They are in the driver's seat
Thousands of people see them every day — on busy streets and quiet courtyards, on their way to work or when they get home. 1,000+ cars flood the streets of towns and cities across the country every day.
Rigid branding guidelines can limit creativity, and this approach does not work for us. We like to think outside the box and are always open to creative ideas, new projects and inspiring collaborations.
Quite a different story
You only need a cool idea to take part in the project. We provide art tools and supplies as well as an ideal wall to boost your creativity.
The Ozon Ballon initiative is a creative collaboration between our brand and artists from all over the country. We select the creatives of the participants and introduce them into the Ozon branding, turn order pick-up points into works of art, draw at festivals, cooperate with different brands and participate in various projects.
The first collection offers T-shirts, sweatshirts, raincoats and accessories in the branded colors, Ozon blue and Ozon magenta.

The new 2021 collection is even brighter and more relaxed with comfortable oversized clothes, color gradients and favorite all-time classics. All items can be easily mixed and matched to create many different outfits.
ALCOR jewelry in your favorite colors
A unique collaboration
with ozon merch!
There is no place like Ozon home
To help people create a comfortable environment at home, we offer well-designed, functional, durable and affordable home accessories.
We work every day to make your life easier and more comfortable. Thanks to the new useful services, we can deliver faster and reach more people. And our customers and partners are happier.
Our services
Ozon fresh
Ozon fresh is a wide range of fresh and natural products for the whole family. It is focused on FMCG product range, which is mainly oriented towards Russian craft producers and farmers: cheese, milk, meat, vegetables and fish.
Ozon Забота
Ozon Care makes donations easy. Create positive giving habits with Ozon. When you shop at Ozon, you are not only shopping, you are also helping those in need.
Ozon Travel
Ozon Travel offers a service for booking affordable hotels, tickets, and tours worldwide. Our platform provides easy search options, 24/7 support, and cashback miles, making it a convenient, reliable, and profitable choice for travelers.
Guidelines for using our wordmark and logo
Correct use:
Incorrect use:
The main logo
Additional logo
Guidelines for writing the name of the service
Ozon fresh logo
We use the Latin name of the service in all our materials. The word 'Ozon' is capitalised, and the word 'fresh' is not.
Ozon fresh
Ozon Fresh
Ozon fresh primary colors
Guidelines for using our wordmark and logo
Correct use:
Incorrect use:
The main logo
Monochrome logo
Guidelines for writing the name of the service
Ozon Забота logo
If an asset is in Russian, we write the name of the Ozon in Latin, and the word 'Забота' is written in Cyrillic and is capitalized.
Ozon Забота
Ozon Забота color palette
Do not place the logo too close to the edge of the layout.
Clear space
Placing your logo closer to another element than the minimum clear space will make it look crowded.
Primary colors
The brand colors are taken from the main Ozon color palette.
Secondary colors
They are used in illustrations and graphic elements. The primary colors are used in a 70:30 ratio to the secondary colors.
The distance from the substring to the main logo cannot be increased or decreased
Incorrect use
The name of the service in the full version is never capitalized
Do not stretch the service name 'Забота' to the full width of the Ozon logo or change the aspect ratio
Do not distort the font in the substring
Do not apply effects to the logo
Do not use unapproved color combinations
Graphic elements and an icon
3D and 2D graphics
Graphic elements combine two types of graphics: white 3D elements and colored vector graphics.
2D graphics
The icon in the app
To display the service in the app. Do not change the position and size of the symbol in the icon.
Examples of illustrations and promos
To bring specific messaging, you can also create illustrations as graphics. Please refer to the brand illustration style guide and an extended version of the main brand palette to create more depth and shadow in our graphics.
Guidelines for using our brand symbol and logo
Correct use:
Incorrect use:
Logo without a brand symbol
Logo with a brand symbol
Guidelines for writing the name of the service
Ozon Travel Logo
In all text materials we write the name of the service in Latin and capitalized letters
Ozon Travel
Ozon travel
Clear space
If the background matches one of the logo colors, it is recommended to add a shadow below the logo.
Logo on different backgrounds
Clear space is based upon the letter "o" in the logo. Horizontal space requires the full width of the "o" on either side. Vertical space requires the full height of the "o" above and below.
Ozon Travel color palette
The colors of the Ozon Travel brand
Use the proposed color gradients, but feel free to use non-standard ones as well.
The key is to ensure a smooth transition from warm to cool.
To achieve this, opt for either warm colors or cool colors exclusively.
For headings, we use GT Eesti Pro Display.
There are three options available:
UltraBold for headings of special projects,
Bold for banner headings and subheadings of special projects,
and Regular for large headings.
There are two versions of writing the logo: Ozon Travel with a brand symbol and and without one. If the logo is used without an icon, the layout must include a brand symbol
3D brand symbol
Please refrain from using it for now!

0 91 255

100 31 0 0
3005 C

249 17 85

0 100 0 0

Process Magenta C

255 255 255
0 0 0 0

Text and background
0 26 52

100 42 22 82

303 C
For text blocks with more than three lines, we use GT Eesti Pro Text.
We offer two types of fonts:
Regular for small text formats
and Book for large text formats.
Ozon Travel + Partner's logo
Horizontal logo
Option 1 Partner's logo with a symbol
Option 2 The partner's logo without a symbol, long
Option 3 Partner's logo with a symbol in two lines
Option 4 The partner's logo without a symbol in two lines
Vertical logo
Option 1
Partner's logo with a symbol
Option 2
The partner's logo without a symbol, long
Option 3
Partner's logo with a symbol in two lines
Option 4
The partner's logo without a symbol in two lines
Brand day
Award ceremony for the winners of the Ozon Safari competition at the New Tretyakov Gallery
What font does Ozon use?
The font plays an important role in communication with our customers and partners. Every detail matters — size, color, position, background. That's why Ozon uses only its proprietary fonts — GT Eesti, Pro Display and Pro Text.
What palette does Ozon use?
Our main colors are the primary Ozon blue and saturated Ozon magenta. You can download an extended version of the main brand palette with secondary colors.
Where can I download the new Ozon logo?
Our current logos are publicly available. You can download the Ozon logo with a transparent background, as well as an image, in CMYK and RGB color models and in various formats (.png, .svg, .pdf, .ai).
What package does Ozon use?
When customers collect their orders, we offer soft branded packaging and convenient branded carrier bags with the Ozon logo and 'Giraffe', 'Zebra' and 'Wave' prints.
Where can I see the Ozon branding?
We adapt Ozon's corporate identity to all kinds of scenarios and brand collateral — car branding, pick-up points, parcel lockers, staff uniform, packaging, and merch. We also have a cool, bright project that you just cannot miss: Ozon Ballon.
What design did Ozon come up with for the staff uniform?
We tried to think through every last detail when designing the uniform. It is made of bright and natural fabric and matches a branded color palette.